
That's Easy For You To Say

The name escapes me at present--I would greatly appreciate if someone could enlighten me--but someone once said something to the effect that anyone willing to assume power should under no circumstances be allowed to wield it. Though this is obviously obstructively cynical and ungraciously vindictive (there have been a few good, competent leaders in America's history, and as soon as I recall some, I will let you know), I've always counted it among my favorite quotes, notwithstanding the fact that I can never seem to get the wording precisely right. After tonight, though, my new favorite variation on this theme will be:
"Those people who are always most willing to assume the power of leadership are usually those who are incapable of leading anything more demanding than a moment of silence."

According to a televised memorial service held tonight, President George W. Bush, live, in real time, at the White House, led the nation in a moment of silence. Hell of a guy, huh? A great gesture. Really.
But, answer me this:
How do you lead a moment of silence?

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