
TV Makes You Think...

I happened to overhear Ben Stein on CNN earlier this afternoon pontificating on some fictitious moral high ground that he believes America occupies. According to Mr. Stein, America really is Reagan's pie-eyed theoretical "City on a Hill". He goes on to propose that, despite any and all faults in our foreign, domestic, or economic policies, the United States is fundamentally endowed with some powerful, essential goodness, and that, because of this, we are and ever were the moral leaders of the world. Yes sir, that's us, alright. America is undeniably a shimmering bastion of all that is good within the human condition. Why, if we get any more wholesome, benevolent and wonderful, we're going to be walking around with white doves falling out of our asses.
I suppose in Ben's world, Boy Scouts still hold impromtu Flag Day celebrations in city parks, and even the homeless people stand at attention when the President drives by.

City on a Hill...
As I recall, the Bates Motel was on a hill, too, but I'd be careful booking a vacation there.

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