
Things I Hate More Than Politics

In the spirit of random curmudgeonry, I've just brainstormed a list of things that generally annoy the hell out of me. Further, in the spirit of being a heartless bastard, I'm making you read it. Therefore, here are, in no particulary order, several things that piss me off:

  • Toneless, tuneless, amelodic power noise music played above 3 dB
  • Middle-aged men who wear bow ties
  • Any food product accompanied by a "crisping sleeve" or a "seasoning packet"
  • Anyone who prefaces a remark in a debate with the phrase "Well, Dr. Laura says..."
  • People who accost me with unsolicited religious texts
  • People who attempt to win an argument by repeating something I said only two minutes previously
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • The realization that I've just eaten something that shold have been thrown out three weeks ago
  • Answering the telephone only to have the person on the other end of the line ask "Who is this?"
  • Television program seguays that insist that I "Don't touch that dial!"
  • People whose clothing bears slogans in a language they don't understand
  • Theatres that refuse to electrocute patrons who conduct phone conversations during a movie
  • Stupid lists
  • Meaningless rambling by bloggers with nothing at all to say
There. I feel better.

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