
The Prodigal Pedant Returns

Some of you out there might, perchance, have read a miserable, aborted one-entry attempt at a blog bearing the unlikely title of "Improbability's March". You will then no doubt notice that the byline was that of none other than yours truly.

**pause for applause and cheers to die down**

That's right. I have, for good or bad, returned. And I come aremed with a new blog, which looks, as you certainly have noticed, almost exactly like the last one. This is by design, I assure you. That, and I have proven to be far too lazy and uncreative to actually complete my own template. I decided on the new title mostly at random, as is my wont. I don't know precisely what it means, but I'm sure I'll think of something. I guess some might be given to wonder just why I felt the need to begin a new blog (I HATE that word, incidentally). After all, I couldn't even be bothered to actually use the first one for any better purpose than occupying valuable Pyra bandwidth so that it couldn't fall into "the wrong hands"--more on this at a later time. In answer to these inquisitive individuals, I can only say: "Look out! There's an economist behind you!" Now, I am aware that this makes no sense whatsoever. But you must admit that it provides much in the way of distraction, no? As for how I plan to conduct this little foray into electronic personality dissemination, we will all find out together. I have no specific plans as yet. I may post anything from my philosophical deviations to my views on politics to random vitriolic opinion-spewings to lists of my least favorite newspaper columnists and/or laundry detergents. I may not post every day, and I won't promise anything useful when I do. I won't even guarantee lucidity, just to err on the side of caution. In other words, what you find here I urge you to read, but at your own hazard.
Anyway, I have re-embarked on the weblogging phenomenon, way behind the curve, but moving fast.
Moving, at any rate.

Happy hunting,

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