Is this the big one? Am I finally about to cash in all those Big Macs in a stupefying display of cardiac pyrotechnics wherein my poor twitching heart breaks open within my chest and issues forth gelatinous clots of industrial-grade cholesterol the consistency of expanding foam insulation?
No, fortunately I'm not having a heart attack--at least not yet. I'm merely experiencing a violent psychosomatic reaction to the apparently unstoppable encroachment of the pernicious Right. Nor am I the only one feeling the chill of impending conservatism. The fiber has been a-thrum for the last two days with the reactions of liberal and moderate bloggers as we all attempt to process the lunacy which we must, perforce, accept as fact: The White House has been denied us, Congress is stacked against us, and, with the likely abdication of Rehnquist, even the judiciary will be closed to us. Responses have ranged far and wide. Some are still nestled in the gentle embrace of denial. Their cries of "Fraud!" and "Investigation!" will no doubt echo long through the luminiferous ether. Others say that the war is over, that we should gather our dead and our dying and make for the hills while we may. The future of
But for those of us who are left to pick up the pieces of our democracy and make shift for the future, neither of these outlooks is of much practical value. The first two are inherently without strategy--or hope--for redemption and the latter reeks of defeatism and begs one essential question: "So what do we do about it?" Let's take first the die-hard foul-criers. These are dedicated, stolid men and women who have stepped gamely to the plate to say what we're all thinking. The fact is, there is no way that we're ever going to know for sure whether or not there was any sort fraud involving the machinery--literal and figurative--of this election. Our tendency, bred of pattern recognition and a conditioned mistrust of those who control our political system, is to assume the worst. So let's play pretend for a moment. Let's pretend that, through unparalleled devotion to the truth, we spend the next weeks, months, and years pouring over the ever-cooling informational spoor trail left behind by Election Day '04. Let us, for simplicity's sake, disregard the fact that the electoral system is fundamentally engineered so as to make it difficult to keep track of absentee ballots, provisional ballots, and the increasingly prevalent "misplaced" voter registrations. Let us also disregard the fact that the mechanical logistics of the electronic voting system make it difficult if not damned near impossible to trace--or even perceive--vote fraud, let alone to prove conclusively that it occurred. All of these provisions taken, let's then say that we have accomplished our mission. Through our relentless efforts, we manage to lever back a tiny corner of the system and expose the whirring gunmetal watchworks of a vast Right-wing conspiracy machine. We have now in our hands proof incontrovertible that George W. Bush has usurped the leadership of this nation.
Now what? Who, honestly, gives a fuck? We more or less established that this is precisely what Bush and his henchmen did four years ago. Only a handful of people recognized that proof, and most of them didn’t really care. Sure, “Remember
Ok, so what about the trumpeters of destruction, knelling the death of the American way? They are, I am very much afraid, accurate in their forecasts. Look at the facts. First, morality and values have become the watchwords of our “objective” media. In and of themselves, all fine and good. The catch is that these morals and values are cemented to the fundaments of Christianity, a religion, I am sorry to have to inform you conservative readers, which is not representative of the beliefs of the entire populace of the
To these people I am forced to say: “No Shit!?” Yes, all of these things are likely to come to pass, and yes, they were likely inevitable from the beginning; if you hadn’t anticipated this nasty little turn of events, if you hadn’t gotten an inkling long ago that our leaders were more than willing to so thoroughly force their own personal religious code upon us citizens as to render citizenship intolerable—or even hazardous—to any who don’t hold the appropriate (read: their) beliefs, then we, my friends, are in deeper proverbial fecal matter than I thought.
As to the final group, the ones whose answer to
But as long as we keep arguing amongst ourselves, thirty million blind men debating the nature of an elephant, we can never put it to use. While you think about that, keep in mind that in all probability, there exists at this very minute, somewhere out in the uncharted wilds of Blogtopia, the future leader of this little island of dirt.
Right this minute, he or she is probably camping in a Star Trek chatroom, scarfing Ramen noodles by the forkful and listening to a Rush mix tape.
Just in case you find this needlessly grim, I’ll leave you with some parting wisdom from Homer Simpson which should go a long way toward making you feel better:
“Stupidity got us into this mess, and stupidity will get us out again.”
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