
So Then I Got To Thinking...

I happened to stumble on this interesting bit of pie-eyed fluff this morning. Seems Mr. JIMWICh favors a mass partyline shift for all democrats into the welcoming arms of the Green Party. Initially, my impression was: "Guh." I mean really now, if we're really fighting for our political lives against the Cute 'n' Cuddly Conservatives, can we be expected to win by joining forces with a party who has, to date, failed to win anything more substantial than a free Coke at the movies? If a bunch of you guys happen to want to join hands and dance round a big fucking tree later on, give me a call; I usually go in for all the touchy-feely hippie bullshit anyway, and besides, a peace rally is a great place to meet girls who are willing to believe that you are a decent, respectable person with whom they should have sex. (Just kidding, honey. I love you. Honest)

A great plan on a number of fronts, really: sex, hallucinogens, campfire singalongs, cool hemp clothing, and, on a more serious note, a legitimate drive to protect the fragile ecosystem, which would obviously not survive the night without the intervention of mankind--and don't mind my eye-rolling, it's congenital.

Also a lousy plan, for most of the same reasons.

Come on, liberals. Do you really think we're going to be taken seriously prancing about with slick little slogans like "Ecological Wisdom" on our sweat-stained hemp T-shirts? The best we could hope for, with this Green-friendly strategy, is that the Neo-Cons become so overwhelmed with mirth that they all choke on their Snowy Owl brisquet and die.

I say, if it's a move you all want, then let's stop fucking around and move. Literally.
Not just to California, but preferably to a whole other fucking continent. Let the bastards have this place. It stinks of them anyway.

In all seriousness, however, I recognize that the Green party has done a great deal for American ecological awareness and have further made great strides in re-shaping our political environment. Therefore, with much humility, I beg the forgiveness of any Green party affiliates I may have offended with the previous rant;

Also, if any of you guys are in the neighborhood, could I maybe score some schwag?


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